Fredric Brooker

We have recently received an email from Paul Brooker with some photographs.  Paul's father, Fredric, was an Air Wireless Mechanic at Burtonwood in 1953/54.  Fredric was only in the RAF for one year before going to RAF Sealand as a civilian.  I wonder if anyone remembers Fredric?  Take a look at the photographs, there could be someone you recognise.


Ignis Refrigeration?  Picture taken in the mid 1950s at Sealand


Anyone recognise the mix of uniforms?  Picture taken in the mid 1950s at Sealand



This is the reverse side of the picture immediately above.  Paul thinks the numbers next to the signatures relate to the positions in the photograph.  Fredric is tenth from the left (standing).





Mid 1950s at Sealand Fredric is 4th from left



Above Fredric is 3rd left



Fredric is top left in the picture above